Last September the Korean pop group U-Kiss was performing on Paris stage for their first solo concert. It wasn’t the boys first time in the city as they came for the Paris Music Bank back in 2011.
These posts represent the work that I did for the French website from 2012 to 2014 as well as the french magazine japan lifestyle. They consist of artist interviews, sometimes during a press conference and sometimes directly 1 to 1 with the artist. I also made concert reports to share with the small but growing fandom around Asian music at that time.
Back then I was a high-school student and was doing that work on my free time, besides my school classes, simply out of passion.
This press work was my first introduction to photography and helped me develop my skills.
All pictures and texts posted below are taken and edited by myself.
Last September the Korean pop group U-Kiss was performing on Paris stage for their first solo concert. It wasn’t the boys first time in the city as they came for the Paris Music Bank back in 2011.
On July 19th this summer, a special concert was held in Seoul, Korea. Hip-hop artists gathering for a 4 hours show with an impressive line-up!
Le 19 juillet dernier se tenait Rapbeat Show à Séoul. Un concert hip-hop au line-up impressionnant ! Giriboy faisait parti…
The Korean Hip-hop is getting more and more attention from the international musical scene, lots of young talents with impressive stage charisma set on fire all the south korean stages. Let’s get behind the scene…
After their show on July 19th, the artists from the Korean label Grandline dedicate a few hours of their busy schedule for their first interview